A 41Y M resident of west Bengal came to the opd with the c/o difficulty in walking due to pain in lower back since 1 year.

                General medicine 
                                         ~Case Discussion 
This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient - centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs in the comment box .
         I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the patient clinical data analysis to develop the competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. 

A 41 year male resident of west Bengal came to the opd of General Medicine with :
C/o :Difficulty in walking due to pain in lower back since 1 year.
    History of Presenting illness : Apparently the patient was asymptomatic 1 year ago later he met with a bike accident and felt severe pain in the lower back region and also heard a clicking sound while lifting the bike.
   Pain was sudden in onset, gradual in progression, radiating to thighs and was of burning type which is aggravated on walking or any other movements and relieved on resting on right side. 
      The MRI shows herniation of vertebral discs into the cauda equina.
Negative history: No history of fever
                               No history of inflammation                                 No history of redness
                         No history of morning stiffness
   Past history: At the age of 15 years had similar back ache while lifting heavy weights which was relieved on medication 
      Has underwent appendectomy 1 year ago.
 Personal History:  Normal appetite,                                 Inadequate sleep (2-3 hours per day) 
                   since 1 year due to pain,
                       Burning micturition since 1 year,
                  Difficulty in defecation since 1 year.
        He is a chronic smoker, smokes about                      10 - 12 cigarettes per day for almost
                        30 years.                 
General Examination:
    The patient was conscious, coherent, cooperative and well aware of surrounding place and time.
     He has no pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, and no generalized lymphadenopathy, edema, koilonychia.Vitals :
Pulse rate : 72 beats per min
Respiratory rate : 16 cycles per min
Blood pressure: 120/80 mm of Hg
Temperature: Afebrile 
Systemic examination:
 Respiratory system: 
Respiratory Rate :18 cycles per min, normal rhythm, Normal Shape and bilaterally symmetrical chest, normal nose, midline trachea.
Palpation -
Confirmation of respiratory moments
 Position of Mediastinum is midline 
No tenderness is present in the chest.
Percussion –
 Normal Resonant sounds are felt 
Cardiac dullness - normal
Liver dullness - normal
Auscultation -
Breath sounds are Vesicular
Cardiovascular System - Pulse rate: 73 beats per minute 
Rhythm: Regular
Character: Normal 
Blood pressure : 120/80 mm of Hg 
Inspection -
Chest Wall shape Normal and bilaterally symmetrical, Apex beat is seen on 5th intercoastal space, normal pulsations are seen.
Palpation: Inspection findings are confirmed 
Percussion -
Dull note: Normal 
Auscultation -
 Heart sounds: 
1st - heard, and normal, 2nd - heard, and normal 
Gastrointestinal System/Per-abdominal Examination -

Oral Cavity -
Lips — Fissure: Absent
Cracks : Absent 
Discoloration : Absent  
Teeth : Normal 
Tongue — Coating:Absent 
Fasciculation : Absent 
 Cracks : Absent
 Tonsils —Normal

Per Abdomen -
Inspection -
Shape - Normal
Movements with respiration : Normal 
Umbilicus - Inverted 

Palpation - 
Liver - Normal 
 Spleen - Normal 
 Swelling - Absent
 Rebound tenderness - Absent 
 Percussion - Free fluid  Absent
 Auscultation-Peristaltic sounds - Present 

Central nervous system -
Mental Status: The patient was conscious, coherent, cooperative and well aware of surrounding place and time 
Speech: Normal 
General behaviour :Normal 
Motor system -
 No Involuntary Movement are present
Sensory System -
                            RUL.        LUL.      LUL.     LLL.  
Touch - 
       Fine touch.     +             +           +            +
       Crude touch.   +             +            +           +
Pressure.                 +            +            +           +
Pain.                          +            +          +            +
Vibration.                  +             +          +           +
Stereognosis.           +             +          0.          0
Motor System - 
Inspection - Normal contour
Bulk of muscle - decreased in lower limbs
Tone of muscle - decreased in left lower limb
Strength of the muscles -  
                                                       Right.     Left
Biceps.                                            5.            5
Triceps                                             5.            5
Extensors of thigh.                         5.             1
Flexors of thigh.                               5.             1
Gait : Antalgic gait
Reflexs - 
                                                Right.          Left
Plantar reflex.                        Mute.           Mute
Ankle jerk.                               1/5.             Mute
Biceps jerk.                               5.                  5
Triceps jerk.                              5.                   5
Knee jerk.                                   5.                   5
Corneal reflex.                       Present.    Present
 Pupillary reflex 
            Direct.                          Present.  Present
         Indirect.                         Present  Present  I.Investigation Advised -
Provisional diagnosis: Cauda equina syndrome caused due to herniation of vertebral disc into cauda equina due to trauma.
Surgical correction by laminectomy.
Treatment history:


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