A 70 year old male came to the medicine OPD with the chief complaint of difficulty in walking due to joint pain since 15 years.

                    GENERAL MEDICINE 
                                         ~Case Discussion 
This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient - centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs in the comment box .
         I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the patient clinical data analysis to develop the competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. 

A 70 year old male came to the opd of General Medicine with the chief complaint of difficulty in walking due to joint pain since 15 years.
 Apparently the patient was asymptomatic 10 years ago, later he developed multiple joint pain ( mainly backpain ) which was insidious in onset, gradual in progression , non radiating, stabbing / piercing,  grinding type of pain. Aggravated on walking and other movements, relieved on resting. He is also experiencing morning stiffness since 15 years.
          He is also complaining of intermittent distal interphalangeal joint swelling for every 15 - 20 days when he has severe pain. He is also complaining of painless deformity of right leg great toe.
 Past illness:
 He has no history of similar complaints in the past. 
10 years ago, he has been hanged to a tree upside down as a part of local treatment for hernia.
He has undergone hernial operation 5 years ago.
5 years ago he has developed a swelling at elbow .
Personal History:
Not a known case of Diabetes, Hypertension,  thyroid disorders. 
Has normal appetite 
 Consumes Mixed diet
Constipation for 3 days every week
Smokes 1 cigarette per day since 45 years.
Used to drink 2 bottles of palm wine for 20 years, currently stopped 10 yeras ago.
General Examination:
The patient was conscious,  coherent,  cooperative and well aware of surrounding place and time. 
Weight 53 kgs
No pallor 
No icterus 
No cyanosis 
No clubbing 
No lymphadenopathy 
No generalized edema
Pulse rate : 78 bpm
Respiratory rate: 18 cpm


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